A good place to start is by talking with a financial lender, they will prequalify you and will help you figure out your budget. If you do not have a lender in mind, we are able to recommend banks to you that our customers have worked with in the past, all of which are efficient and trustworthy.
Upon first meeting, we will take your design ideas and transform them into cohesive plans and working concepts. We suggest you providing us with a list of "must-have" features, as well as a list of "dream house" features, which are features you want if the budget permits. You can provide us with any pictures, drawings, or other materials to show us features you want.
At this point, our architect will draft blue prints of the house for your approval. Our goal is to ensure that your unique design is maintained throughout the whole design process.
Now comes the start of the fun part! Once you have approved the layout,you are able to make a few decisions regarding certain materials. For example, what exterior material do you want to use? Brick, stone, or siding?
We are available and happy to provide suggestions throughout this process
We offer many choices, accomodating a budget of any size. We price our homes by the square foot, and can provide you many options and features based on your price and budget. We discuss the various features you will receive at a given price per square foot, and will tell you how much any given additional feature will cost.
At this point we will discuss material details such as paint colors, stains, millwork options, etc. We choose only the best sub-contractors to work on your home, and can assure you that we will be managing these processes in detail.
After many crucial decisions, the build finally begins and we break ground. At any point if you change your mind about certain decisions, we will do everything we can to modify the plan.
As the build progresses, you will be informed every step of the way.
The day has finally arrived! With key in hand, you are able to move into and enjoy your new home. We will walk you through your new home to show you the many features.
Just because the build has been completed, does not mean you are left on your own. At any time after the build if you have questions or concerns about the house, we are always available to help.